Prof. Dr. Euis Amalia Online

Academic Collaboration With Krirk University, Thailand

The development of the halal industry and its implementation in various countries is an increasingly interesting area to study. The UIN Syarif Hidayatullah research team, led by Prof. Euis Amalia, conducted a study on the interconnection of the halal industry with the Islamic financial sector and the Islamic social financial sector, including zakat and waqf, in three countries, one of which is Thailand.

On this occasion, the research team had the privilege of visiting Krirk University in Bangkok, Thailand, on May 7, 2024. This visit was made possible through the university’s cooperation in the field of research. Krirk University is a partner of UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, which recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) in August 26th. 2024.  We were warmly welcomed by Prof. Dr. Jaran Malumeen, the Vice President of International Affairs; Dr. Smeet Esore, director of the Master of Business Administration Program; Dr. Bandit Aroman, the associate dean of the Research and Innovation Department; and other personnel.

The purpose of this visit was to discuss the regulation of the halal industry in Thailand and its interconnection with Islamic banks in Thailand in supporting the halal industry. The discussion became more interesting when Dr. Smeet revealed that he is also a halal auditor.

In add ition, Dr. Bandit was kind enough to facilitate our meeting with several parties, including CICOT and the Islamic Bank of Thailand. We also discussed potential avenues for future collaboration and mutual benefits for both universities.


Pengembangan industri halal dan penerapannya di berbagai negara menjadi bidang yang semakin menarik untuk dipelajari. Tim peneliti UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, yang dipimpin oleh Prof. Euis Amalia, melakukan studi tentang keterhubungan industri halal dengan sektor keuangan Islam dan sektor keuangan sosial Islam, termasuk zakat dan wakaf, di tiga negara, salah satunya adalah Thailand.

Pada kesempatan ini, tim peneliti mendapat kehormatan mengunjungi Krirk University di Bangkok, Thailand, pada tanggal 7 Mei 2024. Kunjungan ini terlaksana berkat kerja sama universitas dalam bidang penelitian. Krirk University merupakan mitra UIN Syarif Hidayatullah, yang baru saja menandatangani Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) pada tanggal 26 Agustus 2024. Kami disambut dengan hangat oleh Prof. Dr. Jaran Malumeen, Wakil Presiden Urusan Internasional; Dr. Smeet Esore, Direktur Program Magister Administrasi Bisnis; Dr. Bandit Aroman, Dekan Asosiasi Departemen Penelitian dan Inovasi; serta personel lainnya.

Tujuan dari kunjungan ini adalah untuk membahas regulasi industri halal di Thailand dan keterhubungannya dengan bank-bank Islam di Thailand dalam mendukung industri halal. Diskusi menjadi lebih menarik ketika Dr. Smeet mengungkapkan bahwa ia juga seorang auditor halal.

Selain itu, Dr. Bandit dengan baik hati memfasilitasi pertemuan kami dengan beberapa pihak, termasuk CICOT dan Bank Islam Thailand. Kami juga membahas kemungkinan jalur kolaborasi di masa depan dan manfaat bersama bagi kedua universitas.

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